Aston Martin Valkyrie iz vesolja

2. 2. 2018
Aston Martin Valkyrie iz vesolja (foto: Aston Martin)
Aston Martin

Posebna unikatna rdeča barva bo vsebovala delce kamna, najdenega na površju lune.

Aston Martin bo letos pričel s proizvodnjo prvega hiperšportnega avtomobila v svoji zgodovini, modela Valkyrie. Avtomobil, ki je nastal v sodelovanju z ekipo formule 1 Red Bull in še nekaterimi drugimi podjetji, kot so na primer Rimac Automobili, Cosworth, Michelin, bo pod pokrovom skrival hibridni pogonski sklop - kombinacijo 6,5-litrskega bencinskega V12 motorja in elektromotor s skupno močjo 1.130 'konjev'. Zgolj 150 primerkov omenjenega avtomobila bo narejenih, tem bodo pa dodali še 25 dirkalnih različic. Precej ekskluzivna zadeva torej.

Kot kaže pa tovarniška različica Aston Martinove vesoljske ladje, kot se je zaradi zunanje podobe prijel vzdevek modela Valkyrie, sama po sebi še ni dovolj unikatna. Med njimi je brez dvoma Kris Singh, avtomobilski navdušenec in bodoči lastnik enega izmed primerkov omenjenega modela Valkyrie. Uspelo mu je namreč pridobiti čisto pravi kamen iz Zemljinega edinega naravnega satelita, katerega bodo sedaj zmleli v prah, delce pa nato uporabili v tako imenovani 'lunarno rdeči' barvi.


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! My visit to Aston Martin was very inspiring. A few weeks ago @milesnurnberger had commented to me that a spec we were discussing reminded him of a Space Ship. I immediately responded, “The Valkyrie makes a Space Ship look like a Car!” That got me thinking... How do I raise the bar of my spec to be worthy of Valkyrie level? If ever there was a machine that could grip the ground and rip around the craters of the Moon like it’s on rails, it would be the Aston Martin Valkyrie. Unfortunately, science won’t allow me to be the first person to drive on the Moon (gravity is still an issue, they say), but nothing is stopping me from bringing the Moon to my Valkyrie!! I have sourced, gotten proper verification, and purchased an actual Rock from the Moon which will be ground to dust and used as a key ingredient in Karosserie Lunar Red which will be the color of my Aston Martin Valkyrie. This will be the first car ever to feature a paint formula that includes actual ingredients from #SPACE !!! Thank You to everyone at @astonmartinlagonda, @redbullracing and Karosserie in Wayne, PA. More renderings will be released in the coming weeks and months. We will also document and share some of the process of making actual Moon Rock part of this very special color being developed exclusively for the most special car of my lifetime: The Aston Martin Valkyrie. Thanks to @marcovanoverbeeke for helping refine my spec and providing me with renderings and thanks to @capitolsunset for setting the mood of the image on the Moon. More to come!! #ToTheMoonAndBack # ______________________________________________________ #AstonMartin #Valkyrie #AstonMartinValkyrie #Moon #MoonRock #KarosserieLunarRed #KrisSingh #Red #BloodRedMoon #ToTheMoonAndBack #ComingSoon #2019 #RaiseTheBar #NASA #RedBull #RedBullRacing #AdrianNewey #MarekReichman #MilesNurnberger #AndyPalmer #AstonMartinRules #GameChanger #LunarRed #F1 #Redhead #RedWillNeverBeTheSame #TheRedOfAllReds #BLESSED ______________________________________________________ PS - No information or details regarding my source, purchase price, weight of the Moon Rock, or other, will be shared.

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Princ William se je pošalil o svoji “težavi”, o kateri se govori že leta (VIDEO)

Verjamemo, da bo Singhov Valkyrie s tem nedvomno izstopal med enakimi. Koliko pa bo za to posebnost moral prišteti dobrim 2,5 milijonom evrov, kolikor znaša cena 'serijske' različice avtomobila, pa ostaja skrivnost.

Jure Šujica
Foto: Aston Martin